Cloud service status
Having issues with an app? Check the service status for each of our apps below.
If there’s a problem then you can be sure we’re working on it – so check back regularly to see when it’s back up and running.
Status |
Product |
Solo II (energynote) |
Solo III (energynote) |
Trio II (CAD) |
Cosy (mobile & web apps) |
Waterlock (mobile app) |
Ensemble (energynote) |
Chorus (energynote) |
Cosy status update
To be compliant with GPDR we are in the process of upgrading our cloud platforms. As a result of this, you may encounter some difficulties with your Cosy.
Please ensure that you have the latest version of the Cosy app or contact our support team on 0845 0941 508 who can assist further.